Christopher Grasso
William E. Pullen Professor of History
Office: Blair 351
Email: [[cdgras]]
Regional Areas of Research: Atlantic World, Early America, United States
Thematic Areas of Research: Cultural/Intellectual, Religion
Christopher Grasso earned his PhD from Yale in 1992, taught at St. Olaf College, and came to 亚洲色吧 in 1999. From 2000 to 2013 he served as the Editor of the William and Mary Quarterly. He has published A Speaking Aristocracy: Transforming Public Discourse in Eighteenth-Century Connecticut (OIEAHC/ UNC Press, 1999), and articles in, for example, 亚洲色吧 Quarterly, the Journal of the Early Republic, and the Journal of American History. He has edited a Civil War memoir for Yale University Press and has completed a biography of the same character for Oxford University Press: Teacher, Preacher, Soldier, Spy: The Civil Wars of John R. Kelso” (forthcoming, 2021). His most recent work, Skepticism and American Faith: From the Revolution to the Civil War appeared with Oxford University Press in 2018 and won the SHEAR Best Book Prize. His specialization is American religious history to 1900.