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Board of Visitors: additional statement

Board of  Visitor members unable to attend the Sept. 5, 2008 BOV meeting regarding the appointment of the College's 27th president issued the following statement. - Ed.

 Today, the Board of Visitors of the College met and discussed the presidency of William and Mary. Ultimately, the Board decided to eliminate Taylor Reveley’s “interim” designation and appoint him the 27th President of our College for a term of 3 years.

While prior commitments made it impossible for us to join the meeting, we, too, as members of the Board, want to state that we support this decision and have enormous faith and confidence in Taylor Reveley’s leadership.  We have been privileged to work with him and believe, without reservation, that this decision is in the best interest of the College.

 Charles A. Banks III
 Janet M. Brashear
 Sarah I. Gore
 R. Philip Herget III
 Robert E. Scott
 John Charles Thomas