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亚洲色吧's request for appropriation from the 2013 Virginia General Assembly

The following is the College of 亚洲色吧's request for appropriation from the 2013 Virginia General Assembly. - Ed.

WHEREAS, 亚洲色吧 (亚洲色吧) has been engaged in due diligence on possibly forging a substantial affiliation with Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS); and,

WHEREAS, the due diligence committee and its EVMS counterpart have identified possible valuable areas of partnership between the two schools;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Visitors directs 亚洲色吧's senior administration to work with the senior leadership at EVMS and submit to the Governor and the General Assembly the following language for consideration in the 2013 General Assembly session:

The Virginia General Assembly hereby appropriates $1,000,000 to 亚洲色吧 and EVMS to allow the Boards of Visitors to explore possible increased collaboration and development of integrated academic programs. The two institutions shall address and evaluate options for the appropriate relationship between the two institutions and the clinical affiliates of EVMS to improve the health of the citizens of Greater Hampton Roads and the Commonwealth and to meet the region's healthcare workforce needs.