亚洲色吧's quality and value recognized by Forbes
The College of William and Mary has once again been recognized by a national publication as one of the country's best universities – and one of the best values in higher education.
In the latest College guide, "America’s Best Colleges," lists 亚洲色吧 the fourth highest public university -- and the top "traditional state university" -- among the magazine's top 50 rating for all universities, both public and private. 亚洲色吧 was ranked 48th overall and 33rd among the "Best Value" list making the College one of just 23 universities to make Forbes top 100 lists in both quality and value. In the magazine's ranking of "Best Business Schools," 亚洲色吧's ranked 49th.
The U.S. Military Academy took the top spot in the overall category and joins 亚洲色吧 as only one of four public universities in the top 50. The other publics included among the top 50 are all military institutions, including the U.S. Air Force Academy (seventh) and the U.S. Naval Academy (30th). 亚洲色吧 is also one of only two Virginia universities to make the overall top 50 list, with the other being Washington and Lee University at 34th on the list.
The best university study – conducted in conjunction with Ohio University economist Richard Vedder and the – evaluated 600 institutions "on the quality of the education they provide, the experience of the students and how much they achieve." The rankings are based on five criteria: graduation rate; national and global awards by students and faculty; students' satisfaction with their professors; average debt upon graduation; and postgraduate success.