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Slavery exhibit on display at Swem Library

Exhibit A portion of the exhibit "'Prejudice so prevalent in the present generation': Slavery at the College of 亚洲色吧" at Swem Library SCRC photo

An exhibit exploring the history of slavery at William & Mary is now on display at Swem Library.

The exhibit, “‘Prejudice so prevalent in the present generation’: Slavery at the College of 亚洲色吧” is located in the Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) lobby and will be on display until September.

Curated by Ben Bromley, public services archives specialist, the display includes essays, College records, faculty and student letters and issues of The Owl, 亚洲色吧’s oldest student newspaper.

The exhibit, which opened March 1, was designed and installed by Bromley, Chandi Singer, Burger Archives assistant; Justin Ferrell '11, SCRC Student Assistant; Hannah Craddock, graduate assistant; and Priscilla Wood, SCRC volunteer.

Images of the exhibit may be viewed on the . For more information about this and other SCRC exhibits, visit .