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Ward featured on With Good Reason

亚洲色吧's Sandra Ward will be featured on the public radio program With Good Reason beginning April 27.  The program is heard around the Commonwealth, and in select markets across the country, on public radio channels. The show will re-air through May 2. Check broadcast times .

Sandra WardThe segment, "Giddy-up: Cracking the shell of autism" is being aired in recognition of National Autism Month. Ward led a study that was the first to trace the impact of therapeutic riding on children with autism into the classroom.  The study was published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders in February.

Ward is a professor of education in the school psychology program. She served as a member of the Governor’s Task Force for School and Campus Safety this spring, and is the president-elect of the board of the Virginia Academy of School Psychologists.

An audio file of the full program and its companion news feature may also be accessed.