Faculty books published in 2014
The following books were authored or edited by 亚洲色吧 faculty members and published in 2014. Books are listed in alphabetical order within the following categories: arts & sciences, business, education, law and novels. The information contained herein was submitted by the faculty authors. Additional books may be submitted via this online . - Ed.
Arts & Sciences
By , Professor of and Chair of Religious Studies Department, and , former Kenan Professor of Humanities and Religious Studies
Morreall and Sonn explain how questionable beliefs arise in religion, and then examine fifty of them about Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, as well as about atheism and agnosticism. They cover a wide range of myths, from the old idea that the Bible bans pork because it causes illness, to the modern fable that American Muslims want to impose Islamic law on the United States. Eight bonus myths are included.
Published by WILEY Blackwell
By , Legum Professor of History, and Carol Sheriff, Professor of History
Edited collection exploring the homefront in the American Civil War. Chapters written by, among others, Thavolia Glymph, Stephanie McCurrie, Eric Foner and Stephen Kantrowitz.
Published by Virginia Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War Commission
Edited by John H. Oakley, Chancellor Professor and Forrest D. Murden Jr. Professor of Classical Studies
Athenian Potters and Painters III contains the proceedings of an international conference held at the College of William and Mary in Virginia in 2012, the follow up to the highly successful Athenian Potters and Painters and Athenian Potters and Painters II held in 1994 and 2007 at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and published by Oxbow in 1997 and 2009. Once again a rich mass of new material on Greek vases is presented, including finds from excavations at the Kerameikos in Athens and Despotiko in the Cyclades. Some contributions focus on painters or workshops – Paseas, the Robinson Group, and the structure of the figured pottery industry in Athens; others on vase forms – plates, phialai, cups, and the change in shapes at the end of the sixth century BC. Context, trade, kalos inscriptions, reception, the fabrication of inscribed painters’ names to create a fictitious biography, and the reconstruction of the contents of an Etruscan tomb are also explored. The iconography and iconology of various types of figured scenes on Attic pottery serve as the subject of a wide range of papers – chariots, dogs, baskets, heads, departures, an Amazonomachy, Menelaus and Helen, red-figure komasts, symposia, and scenes of pursuit. Among the special vases presented are a black spotlight stamnos and a column krater by the Suessula Painter. Athenian Potters and Painters III, as its predecessors, Athenian Potters and Painters and Athenian Potters and Painters II, will become a standard reference work in the study of Greek pottery.
Published by Oxbow Books, Oxford, England
By Barbette Stanley Spaeth, Associate Professor of Classical Studies
The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Mediterranean Religions provides an introduction to the major religions of this region and explores current research regarding the similarities and differences among them, ranging from the prehistoric period to late antiquity (ca. 4000 BCE to 600 CE). Part I of the volume offers nine essays providing an overview of the characteristics and historical developments of the religions of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Syria-Canaan, Israel, Anatolia, Iran, Greece and Rome, as well as early Christianity. Part II contains five essays dealing with key topics in current research on these religions, including violence, identity, the body, gender, and visuality, taking an explicitly comparative approach and presenting recent theoretical and methodological advances in contemporary scholarship.
Published by Cambridge University Press
Caravaggio Connoisseurship: Saint Francis in Meditation and the Capitoline Fortune Teller
By John T. Spike, Associate Director and Chief Curator of the Muscarelle Museum of Art
Published in conjunction with the exhibition and scholarly examination of three paintings by the artist Caravaggio (1571-1610), held at the Muscarelle Museum of Art, February - April, and at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, April - June 2014. The paintings were lent from three museums in Rome, Italy.
Published by the Muscarelle Museum of Art
Edited by Jeffrey Kopstein, Mark Lichbach, and Stephen E. Hanson. Hanson is Lettie Pate Evans Professor of Government, Director of the and Vice Provost for International Affairs at 亚洲色吧.
Twelve in-depth case studies of the EU and countries across the globe, written by the leading country specialists and combining insights of cutting-edge institutional analysis and deep study of national histories, explore how the concepts of interests, identities, and institutions shape the politics of nations and regions. The country studies trace the global and historical contexts of political development and examine the diverse pathways that countries have taken in their quest to adapt to the competitive pressures of twenty first century globalization. These country studies constitute the overarching framework of the text, addressing the larger question, “why are countries ruled and governed so differently?” Free of heavy-handed jargon, Comparative Politics inspires thought-provoking debate among introductory students and specialists alike, and encourages students to engage in real comparative analysis. In this new edition, all twelve country studies are rewritten, and the first two theory chapters are updated to reflect the latest research in the field.
Published by Cambridge University Press
By Bruce B. Campbell, with co-editors Allison Guenther-Pal and Vibeke Rützou-Petersen. Campbell is an Associate Professor of German Studies and Program Director of at 亚洲色吧.
The volume provides critical examinations of popular literary genres in Germany including science fiction, detective fiction and “poplit.” This first broad treatment of German genre fiction brings together innovative scholarship, foregrounding themes of gender, environmentalism, and memory. It is an ideal companion to research and teaching. Written in accessible English, it speaks to a wide variety of disciplines beyond German Studies.
Published by Camden House
By Francesca Sawaya, Associate Professor of English and
The Difficult Art of Giving rethinks standard economic histories of the literary marketplace. Traditionally, American literary histories maintain that the post-Civil War period marked the transition from a system of elite patronage and genteel amateurism to what is described as the free literary market and an era of self-supporting professionalism. These histories assert that the market helped to democratize literary production and consumption, enabling writers to sustain themselves without the need for private sponsorship. By contrast, The Difficult Art of Giving demonstrates the continuing importance of patronage and the new significance of corporate-based philanthropy for cultural production in the United States in the postbellum and modern periods. Focusing on Henry James, William Dean Howells, Mark Twain, Charles Chesnutt, and Theodore Dreiser, The Difficult Art of Giving explores the notions of a free market in cultural goods and the autonomy of the author. Building on debates in the history of emotions, the history and sociology of philanthropy, feminist theory, and the new economic criticism, the book examines these major writers' careers as well as their rich and complex representations of the economic world. Their work, the book argues, demonstrates that patronage and corporate-based philanthropy helped construct the putatively free market in literature. The book thereby highlights the social and economic interventions that shape markets, challenging old and contemporary forms of free market fundamentalism.
Published by University of Pennsylvania Press
By Jeremy Pope, Assistant Professor of History
The establishment of Kushite rule over Egypt during the eighth and seventh centuries BC resulted in a state of extraordinary geographic dimensions and ecological diversity, stretching from the tropics of Sudanese Nubia over 3,000 km to the Mediterranean. In The Double Kingdom under Taharqo, Jeremy Pope uses the copious documentary and archaeological evidence from Taharqo’s reign to address a series of questions which have dogged study of the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty: how was it possible for one king to control all of that territory? To what extent were the Kushite pharaohs’ strategies of governance influenced by the circumstances of their homeland versus the precedents of Egyptian and Libyan rule? And how did Kushite policies differ from those of their Saite successors?
Published by E. J. Brill
By , Associate Professor of , and , Assistant Professor of Psychology
This book provides an introduction to the technology and techniques of EEG in the context of social and cognitive neuroscience research that will appeal to investigators (students or researchers) wishing to broaden their research aims to include EEG, and to those already using EEG but wishing to expand their analytic repertoire. It can also serve as a textbook for a postgraduate course or upper-level undergraduate course in any area of behavioural neuroscience.
Published by Sage
(To exhibit the "other": Essay on the Musée du Quai Branly and the Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l‘Immigration /Museum of Immigration)
By Maryse Fauvel, Chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures and professor of French and Francophone Studies
In 2006 and 2007, two new museums were inaugurated in Paris: the Musée du Quai Branly and the Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l‘Immigration. They were promising a renewal of the museum landscape in Paris. Both present the Other through a collection of artefacts and art objects: the Quai Branly with objects from Oceania, Asia, Africa and the Americas, and through the history of immigration to France from the 19th-century to the 21st-century for the Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l‘Immigration. Both lie at the crossing of today’s globalization, the age of memory and the age of mediatization. How is the Other represented? Do these museums contribute to a rewriting of a shared world history? And of a transnational and transcultural French national history? Which discourses construct those museums? Does a real dialog between the various cultures exist? How do these museums explain and celebrate transversal, transnational and transcultural influences in the creation of national and international histories and patrimonies — or do they in fact do something else?
Published by Paris: L'Harmattan
By , Mildred and J.B. Hickman Professor of Humanities
Familiar Ghosts is a book of my poems. Some of the poems focus on a trip I took to Inner Mongolia and China to see where my grandmother was born and where my great-grandparents lived and traveled for 50 years. Several poems are about retracing a 1,400-mile expedition my great-grandfather helped lead through the Gobi Desert in the 1920s. Other poems are set in Virginia and New England where I have lived most of my life.
Published by Orchises Press in Virginia
(Hollywood and Defeat: The Cultural Reconstruction of Japan during the Allied Occupation)
By , Associate Professor of
The Japanese language version of "Screening Enlightenment: Hollywood and the Cultural Reconstruction of Defeated Japan" (Cornell Unviersity Press, 2010), which was the winner of the Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies Book Prize and the Shimizu Hiroshi Award from the Japanese Association for American Studies.
Published by Nagoya University Press (in Japanese)
Kashmir's Contested Pasts: Narratives, Sacred Geographies, and the Historical Imagination
By Chitralekha Zutshi, Associate Professor of
This book is an extended chronicle of the historical imagination in Kashmir. It illustrates that within its interconnected narrative tradition, Kashmir was, and continues to be, imagined as far more than simply an embattled territory or a tourist paradise. Offering a historically grounded reflection on the memories, narrative practices, and institutional contexts that have informed imaginings of Kashmir and its past, the book thus places the contemporary debates over territory, identity and sovereignty in this region in a much longer historical context.
Published by Oxford University Press, New Delhi
Edited by Daniel Beland, , and Kimberly J. Morgan. Howard is the Pamela C. Harriman Professor of and at 亚洲色吧.
The American welfare state has long been a source of political contention and academic debate. This Oxford Handbook pulls together much of our current knowledge about the origins, development, functions, and challenges of American social policy.
Published by Oxford University Press
Edited by R. J. Fehrenbach (general editor) and Joseph L. Black (editor). Fehrenbach is Professor of , Emeritus, at 亚洲色吧.
This most recent volume of Private Libraries in Renaissance England significantly expands the range of the book collections edited in the preceding seven volumes, shifting the focus from owner-scholars (Oxford) to owners of varied social-economic status. This volume introduces, for example, book collections owned by Tudor women of various stations as well as collections owned by ordinary citizens, from blacksmith and grocer to scrivener and estate landowner, material derived from Norfolk and Suffolk probate inventories compiled between 1580 and 1603. Additionally, a major portion of the volume consists of book collections owned by members of the underground Elizabethan Roman Catholic community, the books having been confiscated from the London prison chambers of recusants incarcerated for their creed and from the homes of others holding to the old faith, books that were discovered during the Crown’s raids on their lodgings. The remaining book collections in the volume are associated with sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century clerics who represent a spectrum of Protestant sympathies.
Published as Volume 455 of Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies by the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
Volume 8 also appears as part of PLRE.Folger, a Folger Shakespeare Library Project, which provides the entire PLRE database online at:
By , Professor of Religious Studies and Chair of Department
Morreall critically examines the development of Christian doctrines under the headings Faith, the Bible, Jesus Christ, the Trinity, the Fall, Life after Death, Angels and Demons, the Good Life, and Churches. He shows how Greek-speaking theologians and Roman rulers distorted the message of Jesus, and how this distortion increased over succeeding centuries.
Published by Rowman and Littlefield
By , Chancellor Professor of
This book is a research monograph about recent developments in the theory and application of ray tracing for electromagnetic waves in plasmas (high temperature ionized gases). It is the first complete and general summary available in the field. The methods can be applied to areas as varied as fusion energy, solar physics, and even ocean waves.
Published by Cambridge University Press
Edited by Günther Schulz, Mathias Schmoeckel, and . Hausman is Chancellor Professor of at 亚洲色吧.
Historical attempts to solve the problem of natural monopolies ranged between two extremes. On the one hand there was the government regulation of private companies in the U.S., and on the other hand there was government provision or nationalization of companies in Germany and most of continental Europe. At the interface between legal and economic history, this volume, the result of a German-American conference, focuses on the regulation of natural monopolies in network industries such as railways, energy or telecommunications. It analyzes constitutional and legal frameworks and investigates the development of markets and the political influence exerted by market participants. All historical moments lead to broader questions about regulation in its cultural-historical context, including the general principles underlying public regulatory policy in law, economics and society - as well as existing path dependences. Hence, the volume provides a transnational and intercultural dialogue about the different characteristics and cultural interpretations of markets and market economies as well as their roles in society.
Published by Mohr Siebeck
By Eric C. Han, Associate Professor of history
Rise of a Japanese Chinatown is the first English-language monograph on the history of a Chinese immigrant community in Japan. It examines the Chinese population of the Japanese port city of Yokohama from the Sino–Japanese War of 1894–1895 to the normalization of Sino–Japanese ties in 1972 and beyond. The study narrates the paradoxical story of how, during periods of war and peace, Chinese immigrants found an enduring place within a monoethnic state. It highlights contradictions between national and local identifications of these Chinese, who self-identified as Yokohama-ites (hamakko) without claiming Japaneseness or denying their Chineseness. Their historical role in Yokohama’s richly diverse cosmopolitan past can offer insight into a future, more inclusive Japan.
Published by Harvard Asia Center, through Harvard University Press
By Kathleen E. Jenkins, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology
Even in our world of redefined life partnerships and living arrangements, most marriages begin through sacred ritual connected to a religious tradition. But if marriage rituals affirm deeply held religious and secular values in the presence of clergy, family, and community, where does divorce, which severs so many of these sacred bonds, fit in? Sociologist Kathleen Jenkins takes up this question in a work that offers both a broad, analytical perspective and a uniquely intimate view of the role of religion in ending marriages.
Published by Rutgers University Press
Topics in Quaternion Linear Algebra
By , Professor of
The book contains basics on linear algebra over the quaternions, as well as previously unpublished research results with complete proofs and many open problems at various levels, and more than 200 exercises to facilitate use by students and instructors. Applications presented in the book include numerical ranges, invariant subspaces, differential equations with symmetries, and matrix equations.
Published by Princeton University Press
By Ann Marie Stock, Professor of Hispanic Studies &
Havana is among the world’s leading cinematic locales. In films made beyond the island as well as those created by local cineastes, Havana is depicted as a vibrant Caribbean city. The quantity and quality of the works representing this tropical cityscape attest to the prominence of this film location. Rounding out the film scene descriptions and spotlight essays are extensive film stills, location images and maps.
Published by Intellect Press, UK
By , Professor of International , Design and Marketing
This book presents the fundamentals of innovation and product management and introduces the reader to a holistic process model with particular focus on innovation and uncertainty. This integrated consideration of innovation management and product innovation within an interdisciplinary approach represents a unique characteristic of this book. The book is designed to address the needs of managers who want a practical but well-researched guide to innovation and product management.
Published by Springer: Texts in Business and Economics
Edited by Cheryll Adams and . Chandler works in the 亚洲色吧 School of Education's as the Curriculum Director and Clinical Assistant Professor.
Effective Program Models for Gifted Students From Underserved Populations provides coordinators, teachers, administrators, and other interested parties information about effective program models for underserved gifted students. The book highlights eight successful programs that have been designed to use with low-income, high-ability students. Each chapter focuses on a specific program and includes an introduction and brief overview of a model, how students are identified for the program, what talents are valued, the goals of the project, a description of the model, difficult issues and how they are addressed, important contributions of the program, research findings, how the program is sustained, and contact information.
Published by Prufrock Press (Waco, Texas)
By and Wayne K. Hoy. PiPaola is a Chancellor Professor in the 亚洲色吧 .
This text focuses on the reality that all school principals are responsible for supervision,evaluation, and professional development of their teachers—tasks that are neither simple nor without conflict. The primary audience of this text is aspiring and practicing principals. We hope to help them understand both the theory and practice of supervision, evaluation, and professional development.
Published by IAP - Information Age Publishing, Inc.
By , Vice President for University Advancement and Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of & Thomas Jefferson Program in
Privatization and the Public Good: Public Universities in the Balance examines the history and future of privatization in higher education. There is virtually no literature focusing on elected officials and their views on higher education, so this extensive study helps to explain what the future public-private model might look like for some states and institutions. Above all, this book focuses on the key question of whether higher education is a public good or a private benefit--an essential question for higher education and our democracy.
Published by Harvard Education Press
(second edition)
By , Professor of
This book reviews the research literature on the importance of trust to well functioning organizations, as well as the negative consequences when trust is damaged. The concepts are illustrated through the stories of three principals and the consequences of their successes and failures to build trust. Processes for rebuilding broken trust are also explored.
Published by Jossey-Bass
By , Assistant Professor of ; , Heritage Professor in Educational Policy; Xianxuan Xu, Research Associate at 亚洲色吧; , Director of Project HOPE at 亚洲色吧; Yaling Sun and Catherine Little.
This book shares findings from a multi-year, international collaborative study examining the similiarities and differences of the beliefs and practices of national award-winning teachers in the United States and China. Some characteristics cross the cultural divide while others are germane to the cultural characteristics of each country.
Published by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
By and Marilyn J. Amey. Eddy is a Professor of Higher at 亚洲色吧.
Calls for partnerships are on the increase as a means to leverage resources and to create programs that best prepare students for a changing labor market that is increasingly global in nature. Yet, partnerships often do not work out. This book helps to understand the building blocks of partnerships and distinguishes between traditional and strategic partnerships. A series of reflective questions help readers with partner selection and intentional steps to build a successful partnership.
Published by Stylus Publishing, LLC
By , Haynes Professor of , with J. Cook & M. Wilson
A nationally adopted casebook used in law schools with the basic criminal procedure class.
Published by Lexis Publishing, eighth edition
By Paul Marcus, Haynes Professor of Law, with M. Wilson and J. Zimmerman
An overview of the criminal justice system designed for judges and practicing criminal lawyers.
Published by ABA Publishing, fourth edition
By Paul Marcus, Haynes Professor of Law
The only comprehensive book in the United States covering the law of criminal conspiracy and the manner in which it is prosecuted.
Published by Lexis Publishing, seventh revision, two volumes
By Wanda A. Wallace, John N. Dalton Professor Emerita of
Bud, hearing knuckles rapping on the door, opens it to discover Ginny on the other side, dressed as a hobo, much as she'd appeared when both were seven. "Anything for Thanksgiving?" she asks, reminiscent of a tradition in their Brooklyn neighborhood. "My mother has ordered me to bring you to Thanksgiving dinner, and I am not to take 'no' for an answer." Best friends through high school, some forty years had passed since last they met.
Published by Soul Mate Publishing
By Wanda A. Wallace, John N. Dalton Professor Emerita of
Harriet is a blacksmith and holds the town record in arm wrestling—hardly traits common in women to be wooed. Yet Harry, a mountain of a man travelling through town, feels a spark at the first sight of the remarkable woman. She pounds iron better than any man, fixes his heavy wagon's broken axle with ease, and, as if that's not enough, prevails in a skirmish with four wanted men intent on robbing them. With his share of the bounty money, Harry plans to lay down roots in Harriet's town and win her heart.
Published by Champagne Books
By John Conlee, Professor of
Inspired by an ancient Irish text, this novel recounts the adventures of Maeldun as he and his comrades seek to restore the tarnished honor of their clan. It is a tale of nautical adventures in the tradition of the Odyssey, Jason and the Argonauts, and Sinbad the Sailor.
Published by Pale Horse Books