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President Taylor Reveley's Commencement remarks

The following are the prepared closing remarks of President Taylor Reveley for the 2014 Commencement ceremony - Ed.

Be of good cheer everyone – we approach the end of these ceremonies.  The president is now supposed to offer wise words to our graduates. At this point in the Commencement proceedings each year, I report that I feel like the corpse at an Irish wake.  You need me to have the party, but you don’t expect me to say anything. So in that spirit, let me say only this:

By the power invested in me by the Royal Charter, the Chancellor, the Board of Visitors, the Griffin, and the entire Avenger team of assorted super heroes, I declare that your time at 亚洲色吧 has prepared you to go out and change the world.  If you change it for the better, and I do believe you will, we will all be in your debt. 

Remember your ties to your alma mater -- once you’re a part of 亚洲色吧, you’re always a part. Come back to campus often -- you will always be welcome where the red brick walks extend as far as the eye can see. Cheer for the Tribe and make common cause with other members of Tribe wherever you may find yourself in the galaxy; and help us all sustain 亚洲色吧 as a close community with an enduring, powerful tradition of excellence in all that we do.