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Canceled: 2018 Virginia Symphony Orchestra concert at ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É

Under the stars:
Under the stars: Members of the campus and local communities enjoy a Virginia Symphony concert at The Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre at Lake Matoaka. Photo by Skip Rowland '83

The story below is about the 2018 concert. Information on the 2019 concert may be found here.


Update: Due to the possibility of severe weather this evening, the 2018 Virginia Symphony Orchestra concert at ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É’s Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre at Lake Matoaka has been canceled. The event will not be rescheduled because the VSO concert schedule has already been finalized for this fall. Both the Virginia Symphony and ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É agreed the concert should be canceled given the predicted threat of rain and possible thunder/lightning during the concert time — and the VSO policy that its musicians cannot perform in wet weather. A decision was made mid-afternoon due to set up and travel requirements of the VSO. We regret the cancellation of this very popular event. Visit the VSO for additional free concert dates in the area. - Ed.

The Virginia Symphony Orchestra will visit ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É to perform a free concert at The Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre at Lake Matoaka on Aug. 30, 2018.

The gates will open at 6 for the 7 p.m. concert. Wristbands will be required for guests to enter due to venue capacity limitations. They will be distributed at the main gate beginning at 5:30 p.m. until they run out. At that point, the concert will be sold out. Entry prior to the gate opening will not be permitted.

In the event of inclement weather, the concert will be canceled. Please visit or for concert information.

Sponsored by ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É, the City of Williamsburg and the ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É Student Assembly, the event is the debut of the orchestra’s summer “Symphony Under the Stars” series. The orchestra will also be honoring the 100th anniversary of coeducation at ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É by representing strong female composers and leaders in the program, including Joan Tower, composer of “Fanfare for the Uncommon Woman” and Jennifer Higdon, composer of “Machine.”

Drivers are encouraged to park in the garage located at 201 Ukrop Way.

Beach chairs and blankets are welcome. Guests are also invited to bring personal coolers and picnic baskets; however, external alcoholic beverages are not permitted. Beer and wine will be available for purchase at the venue.

The program will feature longtime classics, including Beethoven’s “Fidelio Overture” and Richard Rogers’s “Sound of Music,” as well as family-friendly hits, such as music from the film The Incredibles.

The performance marks the debut of the group’s new assistant conductor, Gonzalo Farias. Born in Santiago de Chile, Farias began his piano studies at the age of five. He joins the Virginia Symphony Orchestra after two seasons at the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra in the conducting fellowship position. Farias has received continued recognition for his work, having received the Bruno Walter Conducting Scholarship at the Cabrillo Music Festival and being named “Emergent Conductor” at the Peninsula Music Festival.

Five members of ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É’s music faculty, who double as musicians with the Virginia Symphony Orchestra, will be performing with the group this season. ÑÇÖÞÉ«°É Instructor of Oboe Sherie Aguirre, Instructor of Bassoon Laura Leisring, Instructor of Trombone Rodney Martell, Instructor of Trumpet David Vonderheide and Instructor of Flute Joanne White will showcase their musical prowess at the concert event.