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Requests for Freshman and Sophomore Parking Exceptions to Policy


Updated Wednesday Aug 21, 2024 The application window for Pri 2-4 requests for exception is closed. We have allocated the maximum number of spaces available for exceptions. Submissions received from Aug 22 onward will be waitlisted unless you ask for assignment to the Long Term Storage Lot at School of ED Lot 3.

Full Description

The 24-25 Request for Exception window opens on at midnight on July 1st, 2024. Requests are time stamped and logged by priority in the order received.  The review process takes a few weeks. Results will be provided by end of month in time for the decal purchase window in August. 

The Rules:

Expect strict enforcement this year. Due to the loss of 145 spaces in the Yates Lot, we anticipate a significant reduction in approved exceptions.

To have a car on campus as a freshman or sophomore, and transfer for 1st semester on campus, the registered student must meet one of the three approved reasons and apply for an exception to policy.  

Priority Order

  1. Medical Necessity - Submit online form to Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
  2. Off-Campus Part-time work - 10 Hrs or more per week. Submit to Parking Services (P&T) via email to parked@wm.edu 
  3. Approved Volunteer Service - 10 Hrs or more per week. Submit online Tribe Link form to Office of Community Engagement (OCE)
  4. All Others - Submit "Generic" form with full justification. Please include information concerning the degree of need, items such as frequency, and duration of the trips, distance to and from your destinations relative to campus.  Do not include any specific medically diagnostic information for you or any of your family members. Application is reviewed and approved by Parking Services.

All application forms are posted for download on our Forms and Documents site

NOTE: Out of state students, please keep in mind that qualifier alone is not sufficient grounds for an exception. If you must have your car in town, we may be able to allocate you a space in Long Term Storage, but on campus space will not be available. 

Visit our Restricted Use Decals website for more information. Applications are reviewed by priority and then in the order they were received.

The review can take a few weeks depending on the volume of requests received. Lower Priority 2-4 requests cannot be processed ahead of Priority 1 Medical requests. Then if approved you will receive notice and directions via e-mail advising you how to access the T2 Parking portal to complete the purchase of your decal. Do not visit the portal before you have been approved, decals purchased prior to approval will not be distributed. 

If you want to make sure we received your application, please use the read and/or delivery receipt feature in your e-mail. All applications are online so don't delay your submission by sending hard copies via standard mail. Allow 2-3 weeks for review and approval. Space is limited and demand is high so send you application as soon as able after July 1. You are not allowed to register or park a vehicle on campus until after your application is approved. Denied applications will be placed on a wait-list for further consideration as soon as space becomes available. 

Please don't hesitate to contact Parking Services via e-mail at parked@wm.edu should you have any questions or concerns about the process.