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Payroll Pay Dates Alignment


Starting January 2025, hourly employees will follow the same payroll schedule as salaried employees.

Full Description

Beginning in January 2025, there will be a change in the payroll process that impacts all hourly employees. As a part of ongoing efforts to enhance efficiency and streamline operations across campus, payroll schedules for hourly employees will mirror those of salaried employees (both exempt and non-exempt). Please note that the pay dates will not change, and paychecks will continue to be issued on the 1st and 16th of each month. This adjustment will affect only the pay period schedule for hourly employees, including students.

Why We Are Making This Change

  • Efficiency and Consistency: Aligning the payroll schedules for hourly and salaried employees will reduce administrative complexity and create a more consistent payroll process for both employees and supervisors.
  • Simplified Payroll: A single payroll schedule will eliminate confusion regarding pay dates and streamline payroll management across the organization.

Key Dates and Transition Information

  • New Pay Schedule: Starting January 2025, hourly employees will follow the same payroll schedule as salaried employees. Timesheets will be due on the 9th and the 24th of each month.
  • First Pay Period: The first pay period will be December 16, 2024, through January 9, 2025, with a pay date of January 16, 2025.

Impact on Hourly Employees

  • Hours worked between December 16, 2024, and January 9, 2025, will be paid on January 16, 2025.
  • Hours worked from the 10th to the 24th will be paid on the 1st of the following month.
  • Hours worked from the 25th to the 9th will be paid on the 16th of each month.

What You Need to Do

  • Employees: Be mindful of the new pay dates and ensure your timecard is accurate and submitted on time each pay period.
  • Supervisors: Please ensure all hourly employees are aware of this change and assist them in submitting their timecards promptly for the December 16, 2024, to January 9, 2025, pay period. Your support is crucial to minimize disruptions.

Next Steps

To facilitate this transition, information sessions will be held November 12 and 13 via zoom @10AM. Supervisors, timesheet approvers, and hourly employees are encouraged to attend a session to understand the impact of this change and to address questions or concerns. You may sign up to attend via .

Thank you for your cooperation and support as we streamline our payroll process. If you have any questions, you can email [[payofc]].