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Patricia Vahle

Professor of Physics

Office: Small Hall 335C
Email: [[plvahle]]
Office Phone: 757-221-3559
Webpage: {{http://www-hep.physics.wm.edu/~vahle/}}

Research Interests

Neutrino oscillations and neutrino physics


 August 2004 Ph.D. in Experimental High Energy Physics, University of Texas-Austin; 1997 B.S. in Physics and Mathematics, University of New Mexico State University

Vahle's 2014 Commencement Speech Department of Physics

Refereed Papers Published
  1. Study of Quasielastic Scattering Using Charged- Current Nu Mu-Iron Interactions in the MINOS Near Detector, P. Adamson et al., Phys. Rev. D91:012005, 2015.
  2. Observation of Muon Intensity Variations by Season with the MINOS Near Detector, P. Adamson et al., Phys. Rev. D90:012010, 2014.
    1. Combined Analysis of Muon Neutrino Disappearance and Muon Neutrino to Electron Neutrino Appearance in MINOS Using Accelerator and Atmospheric Neutrinos, P. Adamson et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 112:191801, 2014.