In the money: Recent grants at 亚洲色吧
Following is a selected list of recent grants valued at more than $50,000 as identified by the Office of Grants and Research Administration at the College through Dec. 2008.
Applied Science / Biology / Chemistry / Computer Science / Geology / Government / Kinesiology / Mathematics / Physics / Psychology / Public Policy / School of Business / School of Education / School of Law / Other
Investigator: Luepke, Gunter
Title: Interface magnetization and spin-coherent studies in ferromagnetic tunneling diodes and single quantum dots
Source: Office of Naval Research
Amount: $79,148
Investigator: Del Negro, Christopher A.
Title: Collaborative research: Cellular and synaptic mechanisms that generate respiratory rhythm in mammals
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $111,600
Investigator: Luepke, Gunter
Title: Dynamics of local vibrational modes in semiconductors
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $112,636
Investigator: Luepke, Gunter
Title: Time-resolved spectroscopy of insulator-metal transitions: Exploring low-energy dynamics in strongly correlated systems
Source: U.S. Department of Energy
Amount: $150,000
Investigator: Smith, Gregory D.
Title: Ensemble density analysis for stochastic models of cardiac excitation-contraction coupling
Source: George Mason University
Amount: $116,823
Investigator: Vold, Robert L
Title: Quantitative studies of molecular dynamics in solids by nuclear magnetic resonance at quadrupolar nuclei
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $300,000
Investigator: Wawersik, Matthew
Title: Analysis of Drosophila germ cell sex determination and male germline stem cell niche
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $118,715
Investigator: Heideman, Paul
Title: Recruitment, preparation and retention of math and science teachers: Noyce Scholars Program at the College of William and Mary
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $612,328
Investigator: Allison, Lizabeth A.
Title: Mechanisms regulating subcellular distribution of the thyroid hormone receptor
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $150,000
Investigator: Case, Martha A.
Title: Infrastructure upgrade for the new 亚洲色吧 herbarium
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $85,011
Investigator: Cristol, Daniel A.
Title: Mercury and birds at the South River, Virginia: Five prioritized projects
Source: Du Pont de Nemours and Company
Amount: $276,579
Investigator: Kerscher, Oliver P.
Title: The Role of the SUMO protease Ulp1 in cell cycle progression
Source: National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Amount: $216,000
Investigator: Bebout, Deborah C.
Title: Investigation of toxicologically significant exchange processes Involving Hg(II) by complimentary NMR and ESI-MS techniques
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $216,000.
Investigator: Kiefer, Richard L.
Title: Polymeric materials with additives for durability and radiation shielding in space
Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Amount: $100,000
Investigator: Kranbuehl, David E.
Title: Characterization of new materials for offshore pipelines for the transport of oil and gas
Source: Intelligent Decisions
Amount: $50,353.56.
Investigator: Poutsma, John C.
Title: Shimadzu equipment grant for research for a liquid chromotography-mass spectrometry system
Source: Shimadzu Scientiric Instruments, Inc.
Amount: $65,000
Investigator: Rice, Gary W.
Title: Trace element analysis of fish samples
Souce: Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Amount: $78,435
Computer Science
Investigator: Coppit, David
Title: Software plans: Multi-dimensional separation of concerns
Source: Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Amount: $110,951
Investigator: Li, Qun
Title: CAREER: Advanced data management for sensor networks
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $450,000
Investigator: Kaste, James
Title: Collaborative research: Quantifying feedbacks between ground water decline, wind erosion and ecological change in desert vegetation
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $86,870
Investigator: Shellman, Stephen
Title: Domestic terrorism and political violence: Empirical models of government and dissident tactics and strategies in South and Souteast Asia
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $153,319
Investigator: Looft-Wilson, Robin
Title: Regulation of eNOS
Source: American Heart Association
Amount: $66,000
Investigator: Day, Sarah L .
Title: Dynamics at a fixed resolution
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $128,281
Investigator: Kincaid, Rex K.
Title: Multi-scale tools for airspace modeling and design
Source: University of Virginia
Amount: $61,173
Investigator: Krakauer, Henry K.
Title: First principles computational studies of piezoelectric materials
Source: Office of Naval Research
Amount: $92,575
Investigator: Griffioen, Keith
Title: Nucleon structure studies
Source: U.S. Department of Energy
Amount: $139,000
Investigator: Griffioen, Keith
Title: MRI-Consortium: Development of the pre-shower calorimeter for the CLAS 12 detector at Jefferson Lab
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $200,000
Investigator: Armstrong, David and Finn, John M.
Title: Parity-violating electron scattering
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $330,000
Investigator: Benner, D. Chris and Venkataraman, Malathy D.
Title: Quantifying the 890 nm band of methane
Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Amount: $102,288
Investigator: Carlson, Carl E.
Title: Research in theoretical Hadronic physics and related topics
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $95,419
Investigator: Carone, Chris, Erlich, Josh and Sher, Marc
Title: Topics in particle theory
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $60,000
Investigator: Delos, John B.
Title: Order and chaos in classical and quantum mechanics
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $80,000
Investigator: Kossler, W. Jack and Nelson, Jeffrey K.
Title: Physics research experiences for undergraduates
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $78,000
Investigator: Nelson, Jeffrey K. and Michael Alan
Title: Construction, commissioning and early operation of the MINERvA experiment
Source: Universities Research Association Inc.
Amount: $245,842
Investigator: Novikova, Irina and Aubin, Seth A. M.
Title: Widely tunable laser system for quantum optics and laser spectroscopy
Source: U.S. Department of the Army
Amount: $152,000
Investigator: Novikova, Irina and Mikhailov, Eugeniy E.
Title: Highly efficient photon-matter interfaces for quantum information applications
Souce: National Science Foundation
Amount: $180,000
Investigator: Perdrisat, Charles F.
Title: The form factors of the proton
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $215,000
Investigator: Reilly, Anne C., Luepke, Gunter and Lukaszew, Rosa A.
Title: Collaborative research: Ultrafast laser study and modification of anisotropy in ferromagnetic thin films
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $120,000
Investigator: Tracy, Eugene R.
Title: New methods for the analysis of waves in plasmas
Source: U.S. Department of Energy
Amount: $90,000
Investigator: Vahala, George M. and Tracy, Eugene R.
Title: Theoretical plasma physics
Source: U.S. Department of Energy
Amount: $54,445
Investigator: Vanderhaeghen, Marc and Orginos, Konstantinos
Title: Topics in theoretical physics
Source: U.S. Department of Energy
Amount: $103,000
Investigator: Venkataraman, Malathy D. and Benner, D. Chris
Title: Laboratory spectroscopy of CO2
Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Amount: $99,866
Investigator: Zhang, Shiwei
Title: Electronic structure calculations of materials by auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $124,000
Investigator: Thrash, Todd
Title: Inspiration as transmission of creative insight
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $376,986
Investigator: Burk, Joshua
Title: Aging, acetylcholine and the hypothalamus
Source: University of South Carolina
Amount: $61,920
Investigator: Hunt, Pamela S.
Title: Neonatal ethanol-induced memory impairments in rats
Source: National Institutes of Health
Amount: $101,693
Public Policy
Investigator: Rossiter, Louis F.
Title: AMERIGROUP health care forum
Source: AMERIGROUP Foundation
Amount: $155,000
School of Business
Investigator: Jelinek, Mariann
Title: Collaborative research: MOD: The R&D lab of the Future: Foundations for modeling the R&D/innovative planning
Source: National Science Foundation
Amount: $155,648
School of Education
Investigator: Matkins, Jaunita
Title: Teachers for a competitive tomorrow
Source: U.S. Department of Education
Amount: $187,849
Investigator: Hardinge, Gail
Title: ONR Naval Research: Science and technology for America's readiness (N-STAR) Virginia Demonstration Project
Source: Office of Naval Research
Amount: $724,000
Investigator: Foster, Victoria
Title: Breaking the cycle of youth aggression through family engagement
Source: Williamsburg Community Health Foundation
Amount: $100,000
Investigator: Hardinge, Gail
Title: Science and technology for America's readiness (N-STAR): Virginia Demonstration Project
Source: Office of Naval Research
Amount: $171,462
Investigator: Van Tassel-Baska, Joyce
Title: Project Clarion: An integrative curriculum scale-up to promote scientific conceptual understanding in promising young children
Source: U.S. Department of Education
Amount: $51,717
Investigator: deFur, Sharon
Title: State personnel development grant (SPDG) project evaluation
Source: Virginia Department of Education
Amount: $125,000
Investigator: Korinek, Loraine
Title: Special Education Training and Technical Assistance Center (T/TAC)
Source: Virginia Department of Education
Amount: $1,739,193
Investigator: Gareis, Christopher
Title: The William and Mary Clinical Faculty Program
Source: Virginia Department of Education
Amount: $50,310
Investigator: Hardinge, Gail
Title: Material world modules integration with the Virginia demonstration - a professional development model
Source: Garrett Community College
Amount: $55,200
Investigator: Mason, Marguerite and Lutzer, David J.
Title: Tidewater team to improve middle school mathematics III
Source: Virginia Department of Education
Amount: $816,203
Investigator: Mason, Marguerite
Title: Virginia algebra project
Source: University of Virginia
Amount: $122,000
Investigator: VanTassel-Baska, Joyce and Bracken, Bruce
Title: Project Clarion: An integrative curriculum scale-up to promote scientific conceptual understanding in promising young children
Souce: U.S. Department of Education
Amount: $607,176
School of Law
Investigator: Lederer, Fredric
Title: Guantanamo Expeditionary Courthouse
Source: Lockheed Martin
Amount: $341.863
Investigator: Lederer, Fredric
Title: Support of the position of researcher for electronic information and security issues and support for the Center for Legal and Court Technology
Source: National Center for State Courts
Amount: $50,000
Investigator: Watts, Bryan (Center for Conservation Biology)
Title: Surveilliance for avian influenza (HPAI H5NI) in shorebirds along the Eastern Shore of Virginia
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Amount: $58,127
Investigator: Watts, Bryan (Center for Conservation Biology)
Title: Bald eagle monitoring at NSF Indian Head
Source: Southern Maryland Resource Conservation and Development Board
Amount: $80,978
Investigator: Ivanova, Maria (Institute for Theory and Practice of International Relations)
Title: Global Environmental Governance Forum: Moving Forward by Looking Back
Source: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Amount: $86,000
Investigator: Watts, Bryan D. (Center for Conservation Biology)
Title: Bald eagle study - Aberdeen Proving Grounds
Source: EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc.
Amount: $392,682
Investigator: Bean, William E. (Office of Economic Development)
Title: A technology cluster accelerator system for Hampton Roads Virginia
Source: Hampton Roads Partnership
Amount: $86,750
Investigator: Hicks, Robert L (Institute for Theory and Practice of International Relations)
Title: The Project Level Aid Database (PLAID)
Source: The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Amount: $500,000