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Faculty books published in 2015

The following books were authored or edited by 亚洲色吧 faculty members and published in 2015. Books are listed in alphabetical order within the following categories: arts & scienceseducation and novels (additional categories may be added throughout the year as more books are published). The information contained herein was submitted by the faculty authors. Additional books may be submitted via this . - Ed.

Arts & Sciences

Creek (Muskogee) Texts

Edited by , Professor of English and Linguistics at 亚洲色吧, with Margaret McKane Mauldin and Juanita McGirt. Authored by Mary R. Haas, James H. Hill

When Mary R. Haas died in 1996, she left behind several thousand pages of notes and texts in the Creek (Muskogee) language collected in Oklahoma from 1936 to 1940. The majority of the texts come from the unpublished writings of James H. Hill of Eufaula, an especially knowledgeable elder who composed texts for Dr. Haas using the standard Creek alphabet. Twelve other speakers served as sources for dictated texts

Published by University of California Press, 2015 |

Digital Diplomacy: Theory and Practice

By Marcus Holmes, Assistant Professor of Government; with Corneliu Bjola, Oxford University

This book analyses digital diplomacy as a form of change management in international politics. This volume, the first of its kind, brings together established scholars and experienced policy-makers to bridge this analytical gap. The objective of the book is to theorize what digital diplomacy is, assess its relationship to traditional forms of diplomacy, examine the latent power dynamics inherent in digital diplomacy, and assess the conditions under which digital diplomacy informs, regulates, or constrains foreign policy. Organized around a common theme of investigating digital diplomacy as a form of change management in the international system, it combines diverse theoretical, empirical, and policy-oriented chapters centered on international change.

Published by Routledge Press, April 2015 |

Egypt in Italy: Visions of Egypt in Roman Imperial Culture

By Molly Swetnam-Burland, Associate Professor of Classical Studies

After the Romans conquered Egypt, there was widespread fascination with Egyptian religion and culture in Italy. This book looks at obelisks brought across the Mediterranean to Rome, at Roman tombs evoking kingly pyramids, and many other interactions and appropriations of Egyptian visual culture.

Published by Cambridge University Press, 2015 |

Gender and Sexuality in Muslim Cultures

Edited by Gul Ozyegin, Associate Professor of Sociology and

A must-read for anyone interested in Muslim cultures, this volume not only explores Muslim identities through the lens of sexuality and gender - their historical and contemporary transformations and local and global articulations - but also interrogates our understanding of what constitutes a ‘Muslim’ identity in selected Muslim-majority countries at this pivotal historical moment, characterized by transformative destabilizations in which national, ethnic, and religious boundaries are being re-imagined and re-made. Contributors take on the most fundamental questions at the intersections of gender, sexuality, and the body.

Published by ASHGATE, July 2015 |

Landscapes in Between: Environmental Change in Modern Italian Literature and Film

By Monica Seger, Assistant Professor of Italian Studies

Since its economic boom in the late 1950s, Italy has grappled with the environmental legacy of rapid industrial growth and haphazard urban planning. One notable effect is a preponderance of interstitial landscapes such as abandoned fields, polluted riverbanks, and makeshift urban gardens. Landscapes in Between analyses authors and filmmakers Italo Calvino, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Gianni Celati, Simona Vinci, and the duo Daniele Cipri and Franco Maresco who turn to these spaces as productive models for coming to terms with the modified natural environment.

Published by University of Toronto Press, February 2015 |

Latin America and the Caribbean: A Systematic and Regional Survey, 7th edition

By Brian Blouet, Huby Professor of Geography and International Education; and his wife, Dr. Olwyn Blouet (editors and major contributors)

The book covers major Latin American themes, including historical geography, the physical environment, the region in world affairs, population, urbanization, and transportation. In addition, the geography of each country in the region is given coverage.

Published by John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2015 |

Modernism and Naturalism in British and Irish Fiction, 1880-1930

By Simon Joyce, Margaret Hamilton Professor of English

This book argues that the history of literary modernism in inextricably connected with naturalism. Highlighting a little-studies strain of self-reflexive naturalism in which Emile Zola's mode of analytical observation is turned upon the authors themselves, it suggests that the confluence of naturalism and impressionism formed the precondition for so-called "stream of consciousness" writing. This stile served to influence not only the works of canonical modernists such as James Joyce and Virginia Woolf but that of also lesser-known writers such as George Moore, Sarah Grand and George Egerton. 

Published by Cambridge University Press, January 2015 |

New Desires, New Selves: Sex, Love, and Piety among Turkish Youth

By Gul Ozyegin, Associate Professor of Sociology and

New Desires, New Selves provides a unique investigation of self-making among upwardly-mobile young Turks through the critical lenses of love and sexuality. Based on 87 in-depth interviews with a diverse group of young Turks in Istanbul who represent the most salient differences based on class origin, religious devotion, and sexual orientation, it links individual biographies with the “biography” of a nation, elaborating their interconnections in the creation of new selves in a country that has existed uneasily between West and East, modern and traditional, secular and Islamic.

Coming soon from NYU Press, July 2015 |

The Photographer and the President: Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Gardner, & the Images that Made a Presidency

By Richard Lowry, Associate Professor, English and

Lincoln sat for over 130 photo portraits, making him one of the most photographed figures of his century. The book explores his association with Alexander Gardner, the man who would create the most memorable and ultimately the iconic images of the president, both in his studio and on the battlefields of the Civil War.

Published by Rizzoli Ex Libris, March 2015 |

The Realm of Mountain-Water: Gardens and Landscapes in Chinese Culture

Edited by , Assistant Professor of

The anthology scrutinizes the changing concept of nature in China from the second to the eighteenth centuries. It includes twelve chapters authored by a stellar selection of scholars, from America, Europe and China, in art history, history, philosophy, literature, and archaeology, demonstrating how historical research can dialogue with present-day debates and bridge contemporary discourses about space and environment with the history of landscape culture. This anthology is in Chinese and has emerged as a much-welcomed reader for researchers and graduate students who are interested in landscape studies and garden history.

Published by Beijing: Sanlian shudian Press, 2015

Working Side by Side: Creating Alternative Breaks as Catalysts for Global Learning, Student Leadership, and Social Change

By Melody Porter, Associate Director of Community Engagement, co-authored with Shoshanna Sumka & Jill Piacitelli

Working Side by Side is a guide for student and staff leaders in alternative break (and other community engagement, both domestic and international) programs, offering practical advice, outlining effective program components and practices, and presenting the underlying community engagement and global learning theory. The book advances the field of student-led alternative breaks by identifying the core components of successful programs that develop active citizens. It demonstrates how to address complex social issues, encourage structural analysis of societal inequities, foster volunteer transformation, and identify methods of work in mutually beneficial partnerships. It emphasizes the importance of integrating a justice-centered foundation throughout alternative break programs to complement direct service activities, and promotes long-term work for justice and student transformation by offering strategies for post-travel reorientation and continuing engagement.

Published by Stylus Publishing, July 2015 | More information


Developing Tomorrow's Leaders: Contexts, Challenges, and Capabilities

By , professor, higher education; Debbie L. Sydow, president, Richard Bland College of 亚洲色吧; Richard L. Alfred and Regina L. Garza Mitchell

Developing Tomorrow's Leaders: Context, Challenges and Capabilities focuses on providing direction for leaders in community colleges operating in a complex, and turbulent context. The book advocates for the type of new leaders required to guide colleges in this environment, focusing in particular on the strategies to develop the type of change needed to transform the two-year sector. The volume provides a blueprint for the kinds of leader development programs that will be required in the future.

Coming soon from Rowman & Littlefield, July 2015 | More information

Leadership and school quality

By , Chancellor Professor and Department Chair of Educational Policy, Planning, and Leadership at the ; and Wayne K. Hoy

This is the 12th in a series of edited volumes dedicated to improving our knowledge about school organizations through empirical study and theoretical analysis. This volume is focused on contemporary research linking school and district leadership to school quality. 

Published by INFOAGE Publishing, Charlotte, N.C., February 2015 |

Teacher-Made Assessments: How to Connect Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Learning

By , Ed.D., Associate Professor of Educational Leadership; and , Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership

Written for aspiring and experienced K-12 teachers and administrators, this book provides a practical guidance, helpful insights, and illustrative examples of the knowledge and skills needed to create and make instructional use of valid and reliable assessments to progress student learning. In its second edition (2015), Gareis and Grant's book has been extraordinarily well received in teacher preparation programs and as a professional development resource in the United States and internationally, as well.

Published by Routledge Press, 2015 (second edition) |


Lost in a Cornfield: Never Losing Faith

By , Clinical Professor of Management and Leadership Communications,

Have you ever felt so lost in your life that it seems like you are unsure of finding the right path for you? Well, let Buddy guide you to redirect your life back to where it belongs. Using his five principles, first, action, instinct, trust, and home (FAITH), Buddy achieved his goal of finding his way home and successfully faced the challenges that he encountered. Lost in A Cornfield: Never Losing Faith is not an ordinary story about a lost dog. Narrated by Buddy himself, he shares his experiences on his rough, eight-day journey as he endures difficulties and reaches his goal. Buddy's five principles offer valuable lessons that can be used in facing the unpredictable, and sometimes unfair, challenges of life. So go ahead, read on, be inspired by Buddy's journey, and be confident in the path you choose.

Published by Page Publishing, 2015 |

Sharing Skin

By Wanda A. Wallace, the John N. Dalton Professor of Business Emerita

Alexandra Whitman senses something other than an accident is involved when her best friend, Jordan Lamontze, is struck down in the prime of her life. All their plans fizzled in one fateful moment. Unbeknownst to her best friend, Jordan seizes the rare alternative of sharing skin. Resolved to unravel the mystery, Alexandra seeks permission to join Officer Ryan and Detective Lopez as they investigate. A perilous path winds, with surprising twists and unexpected love.

Published by Soul Mate Publishing, September 2015 |

The Surprising Schoolmistress

By Wanda A. Wallace, the John N. Dalton Professor of Business Emerita

Eighteen-year-old Hazel treks from 1867 Boston to her new position as schoolmistress in Texas. She surprises stagecoach robbers, as she'd prepared for just such perils. Her new life brings adventure and romance, as community building challenges her to ponder second chances, secrets, limitations, a choice not to know, and considerable scheming to achieve what's important in matters of the heart and civic pride.

Published by Soul Mate Publishing, August 2015 |

Vapor's Endearment

By Wanda A. Wallace, the John N. Dalton Professor of Business Emerita

A tale with a well-spoken accountant as heroine and a champion of good versus evil, possessing unworldly powers as hero. Vapor’s Endearment has sci-fi world building, adversaries and a blend of earthly dangers and challenges even greater than infamous "busy seasons."

Published by Soul Mate Publishing, April 2015 |