Faculty books published in 2017
The following books were authored or edited by 亚洲色吧 faculty members and published in 2017. Books are listed in alphabetical order within the following categories: arts & sciences, business, education, marine science and novels (additional categories may be added throughout the year as more books are published). A section for publications by staff members is also included. The information contained herein was submitted by the authors. Additional books may be submitted via this . - Ed.
Arts & Sciences
American Mourning. Tragedy, Democracy, Resilience
By , Associate Professor of Government
American Mourning draws on Greek thought and American history to consider the ways in which different modes of mourning serve to shape democratic politics, and the ways in which they might be used to shape the same.
Published by Cambridge University Press, May 2017 |
Becoming and Belonging in Ireland, c.1200-1600: Essays in Identity & Cultural Practice
Edited by ; Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at 亚洲色吧; Elizabeth FitzPatrick, National University of Galway; and Eve Campbell, Achill Archaeological Field School
The period c. 1200-1600 was marked by the achievements and decline of the Anglo-Norman colony in Ireland, refashioning of Gaelic elite identity, Reformation, and reassertion of English control that led to Plantation projects, bringing new people and ideas to the island. This collection of sixteen essays explores the complexities and predicaments of identity, and the cultural practices used to express and underpin them in this key period, ranging from the micro-scale and personal to the emergence of ideas of national identity. Overtly interdisciplinary, the volume incorporates contributions from historians, archaeologists, and literary scholars interrogating a wide range of source material.
Published by Cork University Press, December 2017
Citizens of Memory: Affect, Representation, and Human Rights in Postdictatorship Argentina
By , Alfred Ritter Term Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures
Citizens of Memory explores efforts at recollection in post-dictatorship Argentina and the hoped-for futures they set in motion. The material, visual, narrative, and pedagogical interventions it analyzes address the dark years of state repression (1976-1983) while engaging ongoing debates about how this traumatic past should be transmitted to future generations.
Published by Bucknell University Press, November 2017
Comic Performance in Pakistan: The Bhānd
By , Assistant Professor, Theatre Speech and Dance
This book explores comic performance in Pakistan through the vibrant Indo-Muslim tradition of the Punjabi bhānd which now holds a marginal space in contemporary weddings. With irreverent repartee, genealogical prowess, a topsy-turvy play with hierarchies and shape shifting, the low-status bhānd jostles space in otherwise rigid class and caste hierarchies. Tracing these negotiations in both historical and contemporary sites, the author unfolds a dynamic performance mode that travels from the Sanskrit jester and Sufi wise fool, into Muslim royal courts and households, weddings, contemporary carnivalesque and erotic popular Punjabi theatre and satellite television news. Through original historical and ethnographic research, this book brings to life hitherto unexplored territories of Pakistani popular culture and Indo-Muslim performance histories.
Published by Palgrave, 2017 |
Darwinism, Democracy, and Race: American Anthropology and Evolutionary Biology in the Twentieth Century
By John P. Jackson, Jr., Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Studies, Charles Center; and David J. Depew, Professor Emeritus, University of Iowa
The book examines the development and defense of an argument that arose at the boundary between anthropology and evolutionary biology in twentieth-century America. In its fully articulated form, this argument simultaneously discredited scientific racism and defended free human agency in Darwinian terms.
Published by Routledge, 2017 | More information
El imperio de la virtud. Grandeza mexicana (1604) de Bernardo de Balbuena y el discurso criollo novohispano
[The Empire of Virtue: Bernardo de Balbuena's Mexican Grandeur (1604) and creole discourse in New Spain]
By , Associate Professor, Hispanic Studies, Modern Languages & Literatures
El imperio de la virtud offers an updated biography of Bernardo de Balbuena (c.1562-1627) that reminds us of his ties to the Iberian Peninsula, and traces the pre-modern rhetorical, scientific, geopolitical, and economic paradigms upon which his most famous Grandeza mexicana (1604) is designed. Against the widespread proto-Mexican and criollista reading of Grandeza mexicana, El imperio de la virtud analyzes Balbuena's encomium of Mexico City as a political prise de position in favor of peninsular émigrés like Balbuena himself, who are allegedly endowed with the moral and intellectual virtues needed to direct the spiritual and temporal life of the viceroyalty, and against the morally deficient criollos and the barbaric Indians. El imperio de la virtud invites us to reassess the role that Balbuena and Grandeza mexicana play in the cultural history of present-day Mexico.
Published by Tamesis Books (an imprint of Boydell & Brewer Ltd.), UK, May 2017 |
Film and Television Genres of the Late Soviet Era
By , Associate Professor of Russian and Film; and , Associate Professor of Russian and Film
Most histories of Soviet cinema portray the 1970s as a period of stagnation with the gradual decline of the film industry. This book, however, examines Soviet film and television of the era as mature industries articulating diverse cultural values via new genre models. During the 1970s, Soviet cinema and television developed a parallel system of genres where television texts celebrated conservative consensus while films manifested symptoms of ideological and social crises. The book examines the genres of state-sponsored epic films, police procedural, comedy and melodrama, and outlines how television gradually emerged as the major form of Russo-Soviet popular culture. Through close analysis of well-known film classics of the period as well as less familiar films and television series, this groundbreaking work helps to deconstruct the myth of this era as a time of cultural and economic stagnation and also helps us to understand the persistence of this myth in the collective memory of Putin-era Russia. This monograph is the first book-length English-language study of film and television genres of the late Soviet era.
Published by Bloomsbury Academic, 2017
Fred Forest's Utopia: Media Art and Activism
By , Associate Professor of French & Francophone Studies
This is the first monograph in any language about the the French new media artist and activist Fred Forest. An iconoclastic precursor of today's hackvisists and culture jammers, Forest is a notable French pioneer of video art, media interventions, and Net Art; a co-founder and leading practitioner of the Sociological Art (1970s) and Aesthetics of Communication (1980s) movements; and a fierce as well as ironic critic of the art establishment. This book surveys Forest's career and focuses on the utopian nature of the alternative interfaces he sets up in order carve out temporary autonomous zones in the contemporary media landscape.
Published by MIT Press, September 2017 |
Kashmir: History, Politics, Representation
Edited by , James Pinckney Harrison Professor of History
On the 70th anniversary of Indian independence, Partition, and the creation of Pakistan, this groundbreaking collection brings together 14 cutting-edge scholarly essays on multiple aspects of both the region and the issue of Kashmir. While keeping the political dimensions of the dispute over the territory in focus, these innovative essays branch out from the high politics of the conflict to consider less well-known aspects and areas of Kashmir. The objective of the volume is to probe the limits of postcolonial nationalism and citizenship as exemplified by the situation in contemporary Kashmir.
Published by Cambridge University Press, 2017 | More information
Lettered Artists and the Languages of Empire: Painters and the Profession in Early Colonial Quito
By , Jane Williams Mahoney Professor of Art History and American Studies
Using extensive and largely unpublished archival documentation, this major new work recovers the first century of artistic practice in colonial Quito, one of colonial South America's most important artistic centers.
Published by University of Texas Press, September 2017 |
Lineage of Loss: Counternarratives of North Indian Music
By, associate professor of music
Drawing on six years of ethnographic and archival research, and 15 years of musical apprenticeship, in this book Max Katz explores the oral history and written record of a longstanding but moribund Hindustani musical lineage, tracing its displacement, loss of prestige, and erasure from the collective memory. In doing so he illuminates a hidden history of ideological and social struggle in North Indian music culture, intervenes in ongoing debates over the anti-Muslim agenda of Hindustani music's reform movement, and reanimates a lost vision in which Muslim scholar-artists defined the music of the nation.
Published by Wesleyan University Press | More information
Opera for the People: English-Language Opera and Women Managers in Late 19th-Century America
By Katherine K. Preston, David N. and Margaret C. Bottoms Professor of Music
This book is an in-depth examination of a forgotten chapter in American social and cultural history: the love affair that middle-class Americans had with continental opera (translated into English) in the 1870s, 1880s, and 1890s. Opera for the People--contrary to the existing historiography on American musical culture of the period--reveals how English-language opera not only flourished in the United States during the time, but was successful because of support by women impresarios, prima-donnas, managers, and philanthropists. Based on extensive primary documentation, this book tells the story of how these women influenced the performance of opera during this period; it also illustrates the important social and cultural impact of the more than one-hundred opera companies that toured the United States during the second half of the century, providing opera in English as entertainment for Americans of diverse social-economic backgrounds.
Published by Oxford University Press, October 2017 |
Osaka Modern: The City in the Japanese Imaginary
By , Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Japan's "merchant capital" in the late sixteenth century, Osaka remained an industrial center — the "Manchester of the East" — into the 1930s, Osaka represents a critical site of East Asian modernity. Osaka Modern maps the city as imagined in Japanese popular culture from the 1920s to the 1950s, a city that betrayed the workings of imperialism and asserted an urban identity alternative — even subversive of — national identity. Its interdisciplinary approach creates intersections between Osaka and various theoretical concerns — everyday life, coloniality, masculinity, translation — to produce a fresh appreciation of key works of literature and cinema and to recalibrate these widely-used critical approaches.
Published by Harvard East Asian Monographs | More information
Pasado de Moda: Expresiones culturales y consumo en la Argentina
Co-edited by , Professor of Hispanic Studies, with Susan Hallstead, a professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder
Delving deeply into the archives, Pasado de Moda is an interdisciplinary project that tells the story of Argentine fashion and consumption practices. It has been heralded by the Argentine national press as a "must read" and, in the eyes of one critic, one of "the most astute cultural histories published in some time". The book's launch has been accompanied by a fashions past exhibit.
Published by Ampersand (Argentina), 2017
Primitive Colors: A Case Study in Neo-pragmatist Metaphysics and Philosophy of Perception
By , Professor of Philosophy
This book is both an account of the nature of color and color perception. It defends a view that allows there to be truths about the colors of objects despite a surprising amount of variation in color appearance across normal conditions and normal observers. A central analogy to which the argument appeals is that between the perceptible three-dimensional shape of an object, and the various ways in which that shape appears from various perspectives.
Published by Oxford University Press | More information
Private Libraries in Renaissance England, Volume 9
Edited by R.J. Fehrenbach (general editor), and Joseph L. Black (editor). Fehrenbach is Professor of , Emeritus, at 亚洲色吧.
This most recent volume of Private Libraries in Renaissance England, a project in book trade, intellectual, and social histories, continues the series' examination of personal libraries in Early Modern England. Volume 9 treats collections owned by statesmen, diplomats, government officials, and estate landowners; by tradesmen (a cooper, an apothecary, a clothier) and a merchant adventurer; by a poet and pamphleteer, a churchwarden, and a lawyer; and by several upper gentry women. With this volume, 340 personal libraries representing approximately 17,000 books itemized in personal catalogues, wills, and probate inventories have been transcribed from manuscripts, the listed books identified, that information annotated, and each collection provided with an introductory essay.
Published as Volume 505 of Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies by the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2017 | More information available through PLRE.Folger, a Folger Shakespeare Library Project, which provides the entire
The Private World of Soviet Scientists from Stalin to Gorbachev
Maria Rogacheva, Visiting Assistant Professor of
Rogacheva traces the history of this scientific community from its creation in 1956 through the Brezhnev period to paint a nuanced portrait of the living conditions, political outlook, and mentality of the local scientific intelligentsia. Utilizing new archival materials and an extensive oral history project, this book argues that Soviet scientists were not merely bought off by the Soviet state, but that they bought into the idealism and social optimism of the post-Stalin regime.
Published by Cambridge University Press, July 2017
Thinking Like a Political Scientist: A Practical Guide to Research Methods
By , Pamela C. Harriman Professor of Government and Public Policy
This book teaches students the critical skills they need to read published research more effectively and produce better research of their own. Drawing on examples from American politics, comparative politics, international relations, and public policy, it highlights the most common analytic challenges that political scientists face, and gives students practice in dealing with those challenges.
Published by University of Chicago Press, 2017 |
Unequivocal Justice
By , Class of 1963 Distinguished Term Associate Professor of Philosophy
Political philosophers often analyze different political systems within "ideal" conditions — that is, conditions in which people and states fully comply with the demands of justice. Unequivocal Justice argues against this use of ideal theory and examines the nature of liberal institutions in a nonideal world.
Published by Routledge, 2017 | More information
A Contemporary Look at Business Ethics
By , Floyd Dewey Gottwald Senior Professor, Raymond A. Mason School of Business
A Contemporary Look at Business Ethics provides a present day look at business ethics to include the challenges, opportunities and increased need for ethical leadership in today's and tomorrow's organizations. The book discusses current and future business ethics challenges, issues, and opportunities which provides the context leaders and their organizations must navigate.
Published by Information Age Publishing, Inc., 2017 | More information
When A New Leader Takes Over: Toward Ethical Turnarounds
By , Floyd Dewey Gottwald Senior Professor, Raymond A. Mason School of Business
When a New Leader takes Over: Toward Ethical Turnarounds takes a detailed look at the experiences of new leaders who are charged with turning an organization around following an ethical scandal. The challenges confronting new leaders who are tasked with restoring trust, rebuilding reputation, and turning around an organization following an ethical scandal are discussed along with specific actions taken by these leaders during the turnaround process. A main focus of the book is to offer insight into the difficult situations confronting new leaders at the beginning, during and after their turnaround experiences which means turning an unethical organizational culture into an ethical one. A number of examples of turnaround efforts that have taken place over the past two decades are included to provide the most comprehensive documentation of the ethical turnaround process.
Published by Information Age Publishing, Inc., 2017 | More information
Marine Science
Living Shorelines: The science and management of nature-based shoreline protection
Edited by (chief editor), VIMS research associate professor, and Molly Mitchell (co-editor), VIMS professional faculty
Living Shorelines: The Science and Management of Nature-based Coastal Protection compiles, synthesizes and interprets the current state of the knowledge on the science and practice of nature-based shoreline protection. This book will serve as a valuable reference to guide scientists, students, managers, planners, regulators, environmental and engineering consultants, and others engaged in the design and implementation of living shorelines.
Published by CRC Press, March 2017 |
Constructions of Gender: New Directions for Community Colleges
Edited by , Professor and Chair, Educational Policy, Planning and Leadership
Constructions of gender have evolved over time and simple binaries are no longer sufficient. Instead, it is necessary to complicate how we think about gender and to understand more fully how many facets of identity intersect to form one's gender. This volume provides a launching point for others to expand on research regarding the stubborn persistence of the glass ceiling and thinking about constructions of gender, inclusivity, and strategies to advance equity for all.
Published by Jossey-Bass, fall 2017 | More information
Critical Approaches to Women and Gender in Higher Education
Edited by , professor of education, Kelly Ward and Tehmina Khwaja
This book brings together many perspectives and levels of analysis to provide a clear understanding of the complexity of gender and related issues in higher education. By highlighting the intersectionality of roles and identities, a more complex portrait and understanding of gender issues in higher education becomes apparent. The chapter authors problematize gender in roles for administrators, faculty and students, and they provide strategies for change and identify future research needs in this area of study.
Published by Palgrave Macmillion, 2017 |
Critical Race Theory in Education: All God's Children Got a Song
Edited by , the William and Martha Clairborne Stephens Distinguished Associate Professor of Education; Adrienne D. Dixson; and Celia K. Rousseau
Appropriate for both students curious about Critical Race Theory (CRT) and established scholars, Critical Race Theory in Education is a valuable guide to how this theoretical lens can help better understand and seek solutions to educational inequity. While CRT has been established as a vital theoretical framework for understanding the ways race-neutral policies and laws sustain and promote racial inequity, questions around how to engage and use CRT remain. This second edition of Critical Race Theory in Education evaluates the role of CRT in the field of higher education, answering important questions about how we should understand and account for racial disparities in our school systems.
Published by Routledge, 2017 | More information
Designing Services and Programs for High-Ability Learners: A Guidebook for Gifted Education
Edited by , clinical assistant professor of education and director of publications and professional development for the 亚洲色吧 Center for Gifted Education, and Rebecca D. Eckert
This updated and revised second edition of the landmark guidebook provides educators and administrators with the comprehensive, practical advice they need to support gifted learners, and includes new perspectives based on recent research and the updated National Association for Gifted Children Programming Standards. Written by leading experts, each chapter focuses on a key feature of high-quality gifted programs, from identification to evaluation and advocacy, and takes into account current trends in education.
Published by Corwin Press, 2017 | More information
Evidence-Based Selective Assessment for Academic Disorders
By , assessment professor of school psychology at 亚洲色吧; Richard W. Woodcock, Daniel C. Miller and Denise E. Maricle
The book reviews the most narrow cognitive strengths and weaknesses associated with known academic disorders and implications for evidence-based selective assessment in clinical practice.
Published by School Neuropsych Press, 2017 | More information
Evoking Greatness: Coaching to Bring Out the Best in Educational Leaders
By , Professor of Educational Leadership; and Bob Tschannen-Moran
This book is designed to equip those who coach educational leaders to host engaging and inspiring coaching conversations that contribute to the improvement of their leadership practice. Coaches are introduced to the evocative coaching model, a robust model organized around the acronym LEAD: Listen, Empathize, Appreciate, and Design. Our model invites people to explore and dream together, in a judgment-free space, in order to awaken a new and higher interest for change. Through collaborative dialogue that assesses and builds on a leader's strengths, people enhance not only their performance but also their enjoyment and engagement with their work.
Published by Corwin Press, 2017 |
Introduction to Gifted Education
Edited by , clinical assistant professor of education and director of publications and professional development for the 亚洲色吧 Center for Gifted Education; Julia L. Roberts and Tracy Ford Inman
This textbook is designed for courses that introduce teachers to gifted education, whether that is in graduate school or in certification or continuing development programs for teachers. The book includes chapters that focus on critical topics such as gifted education standards, social-emotional needs, cognitive development, diverse learners, identification, programming options, creativity, professional development, and curriculum.
To be published by Prufrock Press, August 2017 | More information
On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children (fifth edition)
, Jody and Layton Smith Professor of Psychology and Gifted Education and Executive Director of the Center for Gifted Education and the Institute for Research on the Suicide of Gifted Students
On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children tackles important and timely issues dealing with the social and emotional needs of today's gifted children, including who gifted children are and what giftedness means; how parents, teachers, and counselors can guide gifted children; the issues facing gifted students in the 21st century, such as technology and terrorism; and how the education of gifted children can adapt for the future. This concise, sensitive look at gifted children and their social and emotional world offers unique insights for both teachers and parents who support these special children.
Published by Prufrock Press, 2017 | More information
Providing for the Special Needs of Students with Gifts and Talents: Shared Perspectives from International Researchers
By , Director of Research at the Center for Gifted Education; , Jody and Layton Smith Professor of Psychology and Gifted Education and Executive Director of the Center for Gifted Education and the Institute for Research on the Suicide of Gifted Students; and Colm O'Reilly, Director of the Center for Talented Youth - Ireland
This collection of writings from international experts in gifted education includes chapters about environmental influences and how to provide inclusive services to gifted students at the local level and much more broadly. It also includes chapters about offerings for in- and out-of-school programs and how provisions can be made for young advanced learners and those from low-income backgrounds. Finally, the book includes two chapters focusing on the psychology of students with gifts and talents, one on providing for positive psychological development and one describing research on motivational factors.
Published by CTYI Press, Dublin, Ireland, in 2017
Scandals in College Sports
Edited by , William and Martha Clairborne Stephens Distinguished Associate Professor of Education, and Shaun R. Harper
This timely book highlights the impact that sports have on institutions of higher education and guides college leaders and educators in informed discussions of policy and practice. Scandals in College Sports includes 21 classic and contemporary case studies and ethical dilemmas showcasing challenges that threatened the integrity and credibility of intercollegiate sports programs at a range of institutional types across the country. Cases cover NCAA policy violations and ethical dilemmas involving student-athletes, coaches, and other stakeholders, including scandals of academic misconduct, illegal recruiting practices, sexual assault, inappropriate sexual relationships, hazing, concussions and point shaving.
Published by Routledge, 2017 | More information
State Coordinators' Handbook
By , Clinical Associate Professor and State Coordinator of Project HOPE, and Diana Bowman
Updated in April 2017 to reflect amendments included in the Every Student Succeeds Act, the State Coordinators' Handbook is a useful tool to assist state coordinators for homeless education in implementing the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act in their state. The handbook provides information, strategies, and sample templates compiled from state coordinators across the country to help fellow coordinators in their work across a variety of areas, as required in federal statute.
Published by the National Center for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth, April 2017 |
Suicide Among Gifted Children and Adolescents: Understanding the Suicidal Mind (second edition)
By , Jody and Layton Smith Professor of Psychology and Gifted Education and Executive Director of the Center for Gifted Education and the Institute for Research on the Suicide of Gifted Students; and , Ph.D., Director of Research, Center for Gifted Education
The updated second edition of Suicide Among Gifted Children and Adolescents explores the suicidal behavior of students with gifts and talents. It provides the reader with a coherent picture of what suicidal behavior is; clarifies what is known and what is unknown about it; shares two major theories of suicide with explanatory power; and offers an emerging model of the suicidal behavior of students with gifts and talents. In addition, the book includes chapters offering insight into the lived experience of students with gifts and talents, and what we can do to prevent suicide among gifted students, including creating caring communities. It also provides a list of resources available to help.
Published by Prufrock Press, September 2017 | More information
Teaching Difficult History through Film
By , Professor of Education and Chair of Curriculum & Instruction and Associated Faculty in the Film and Media Studies Program, Alan S. Marcus and David Hicks
Teaching Difficult History through Film explores the potential of film to engage young people in controversial or contested histories and how they are represented, ranging from gender and sexuality, to colonialism and slavery. Adding to the education literature of how to teach and learn difficult histories, contributors apply their theoretical and pedagogical expertise and experiences to a variety of historical topics to show the ways that film can create opportunities for challenging conversations in the classroom and attempts to recognize the perspectives of historically marginalized groups.
To be published by Routledge in July 2017 | More information
Teaching History with Museums: Strategies for K-12 Social Studies (second edition)
by , Professor of Education and Chair of Curriculum & Instruction and Associated Faculty in the Film and Media Studies Program, Alan S. Marcus and Walter W. Woodward
Teaching History with Museums (second edition) provides an introduction and overview of the rich pedagogical power of museums and historic sites. With a collection of practical strategies and case studies, the authors provide educators with the tools needed to create successful learning experiences for students. The cases are designed to be adapted to any classroom, encouraging students to consider museums as historical accounts to be examined, questioned, and discussed.
Published by Routledge, 2017 | More information
What Makes a World-Class School and How We Can Get There
By , Professor of Education, with 亚洲色吧 Ph.D. graduate Xianxuan Xu
For years, students in the United States have lagged behind students in many other countries on such measures of achievement as the PISA and TIMSS assessments. In an increasingly globalized world, such a gap is worrisome.The book focuses on statistics that explore both the positive and negative aspects of American education, and offers lessons learned drawn from selected national educational systems, including Canada, Finland, Japan, Shanghai from PRC, Singapore, South Korea and the Netherlands.
To be published by ASCD in June 2017 |
The Maids
Translated by , Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
A translation of Junichiro Tanizaki's Daidokoro Taiheiki, The Maids is a complement to that author's most famous novel, The Makioka Sisters: set partly in the same house, in the same turbulent decades, but among the servants as much as the masters. Tanizaki offers a richly ironic self-portrait in the sensualist, sexist protagonist Raikichi, and produces as well a moving, nuanced chronicle of change and loss.
Published by New Directions, May 2017 |
The Outer Cape
By , Adjunct Lecturer in Creative Writing
A piercing and compassionate novel about how the new generations atone for the sins of the old in small-town America.
Published by Henry Holt and Company, Macmillan Publishers, June 2017 | More information
Samirene and Jerod's Mountain Lion
By Wanda Wallace, John N. Dalton Professor Emerita, Business
Samirene, namesake to Jerod's father, finally meets Sam's son in 1866 and the avid ranchers form a special bond, as a mountain lion and its prey take center stage in a struggle with hostile intruders. Humor abounds as tense moments unfold into a future quite different from what most imagined.
Published by Soul Mate Publishing, August 2017 |
Staff Publications
Marriage During Deployment: A Memoir of a Military Marriage
By , Administrative Coordinator at the Christopher Wren Association
Marriage During Deployment, a memoir about a military family, offers a window into the homelife and emotional world of a military family during deployment. Between the heartbreaking send-offs and the joyful reunions, there's a year of separation, distance, challenges, anxiety and loneliness. While providing you with an honest portrayal of resilient kids and a can-do military wife, Marna Ashburn also reveals the hidden costs of Army service.
Published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishing, October 2017 | More information